Privacy Policy

About Your Privacy and This Privacy Policy

Your privacy is extremely important to us. We are constantly putting a great deal of thought, effort, tools, resources and procedures in place in order to protect and safeguard your privacy. This document is our "Privacy Policy," and it contains details on issues related to your privacy when using our services. This Privacy Policy applies to visitors to the public websites owned and operated by Soulside, the registered users of Soulside's associated mobile and web application (collectively with the websites, the "Platform"), and to the facilitators that provide the Support Services ("Facilitators"). It is intended to inform you of our policies, procedures, and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of any information that you provide through the Platform.

The Privacy Policy does not apply to the collection and use of certain employment-related information for employees of Soulside or its parent company. If you are a current or former Soulside job applicant, employee, owner, director, officer, or contractor, please contact us at for the appropriate notice.

If you are visiting our website as a California, United Kingdom, or European Union resident, your rights under the privacy laws applicable in your jurisdiction are represented in an addendum to this policy. If you do not see this addendum below, please contact us at to receive the additional information describing your rights under these laws.

The Privacy Policy is part of our Terms and Conditions. The terms in the Privacy Policy (such as, but not limited to, "we", "our", "us", "Platform", and "Facilitator Services") have the same meaning as in our Terms and Conditions document. When you use our Platform, you accept and agree to both the Terms and Conditions and to the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to be bound to the Privacy Policy you should stop using the Platform immediately or cease to provide the Facilitator Services, as applicable. By accessing and using our Platform or providing the Facilitator Services, as applicable, you affirm that you have read the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and that you understand, agree to and acknowledge all the terms contained in both of them.

Information Collection, Use, and Disclosure

Categories of Information Collected

To let us operate the Platform effectively and to let you use the Platform, including the Facilitator Services, we may collect, use, and store the information described below. We also disclose certain information to third parties, as described further below. The information we collect is received directly or indirectly from you and generated in the course of your use of the Platform. The data we collect is not used for any other purposes except as specified in this Privacy Policy.

Visitor Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores data regarding user visits to its website and use of the Soulside application ("Visitor Data"), including the particular pages visited or viewed by the user, the amount of time the user spent on the website or application, website errors experienced by the user, visits to the Soulside "FAQ" page, and information about the browser or device used to access the website and application, such as the user's mobile device ID and IP address. These practices apply to users who visit pages for prospective new customers as well as those who visit pages for prospective Facilitators.

Onboarding Data: In addition to the questionnaire responses provided by users (including Facilitators) in the process of initial registration, Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain additional data from users during the onboarding process ("Onboarding Data"). This data includes the pages viewed by the user, and whether the user responds to any of the questionnaire prompts.

Account Registration Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain information in connection with the account registration process. Soulside also assigns each user (including Facilitators) who creates a Soulside account an anonymized, randomly generated client ID.

Transaction Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain information regarding payment for its services by users and related transactions on its website, such as whether a user completed payment for Soulside's services, signed up for Soulside's services using a trial offer, canceled or otherwise ended a trial for Soulside's services ("Transaction Data").

Login Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores data regarding logins to Soulside's Platform by registered users (including Facilitators) and activity conducted during that log in such as when a user logs in, the number of messages received or sent through Soulside's website or app during that log in, and whether a user has been assigned, started, or completed a support goal ("Login Data"). Login Data does not include the content of any messages sent or received by users or the content of any established goals.

Usage Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain general data of how a user interacts with the site. This includes how users navigate the site and what preferences they select.

Tele-Support Session Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain general data regarding user sessions including recordings of audio/video, transcriptions, and group chat.

Customer Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain data from users that have signed up for Soulside's services such as a user's self-reported name or nickname, age, e-mail address, phone number, emergency contact information, insurance data, provider clinic, and other protected health information (PHI) ("Customer Data") .

Survey Data (User Reported Data): We utilize the PHQ-9, GAD-7, and PSS surveys to gather insights into your well-being. This helps us tailor our services and support systems to better meet your needs.

Facilitator Data: In order to identify, run checks, and pay Facilitators, Soulside collects, uses, and stores certain data from Facilitators. This data includes information such as the Facilitator's name, bank account information, governmental identification numbers, e-mail address, phone number, address, and education and job history ("Facilitator Data").

Communications Data: Soulside collects, uses, and stores communications between users and Facilitators on the Platform, and communications between users and Soulside's customer service team ("Communications Data").

Protecting this information is important for us. Other than in the ways detailed in this Privacy Policy, we will never use or disclose any information unless you requested or approved us to do so.

Purposes for Which Information Is Used

We may use the information we collect for one or more of the following purposes:

Communication with you

1. To contact you or provide you with information, alerts and suggestions that are related to the Platform.

2. To verify your identity.

3. To complete an activity you requested, such as register for the Platform or obtain more information.

4. To reach out to you, either ourselves or using the appropriate authorities, if we have a good reason to believe that you or any other person may be in danger or may be either the cause or the victim of a criminal act.

Delivery of services to you

1. To create your account on our Platform and let you log in to your account and use the Platform.

2. To manage your account, provide you with customer support, and ensure you are receiving quality service.

3. For billing and transaction processing purposes.

4. To match users with Facilitators.

5. To enable the facilitators to deliver personalized support services.

6. To provide, support, personalize, and develop our Platform and the Facilitator Services.

7. To supply insights to our users.

Administration and improvement of services

1. To supervise, administer and monitor the Platform.

2. To measure and improve the quality, effectiveness, and delivery of our services.


To personalize the Platform experience (tele-support experience, group chat with peers, facilitators) and to deliver content and support services, relevant to individuals.

Compliance with law

1. To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.

2. To comply with applicable state and federal laws, including, but not limited to laws related to protecting client and public health and safety.

3. To allow therapists to comply with the licensure, legal and quality requirements in their jurisdictions.

Other uses with consent

1. Any other purpose with your consent.

AI-Driven Insights and Data Usage

In our commitment to delivering personalized experiences and continuous improvement of our services, we employ artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to analyze and interpret user data. This section outlines how we leverage AI to generate insights, the nature of the data involved, and the measures in place to protect your privacy.

Use of AI Technologies

Our use of AI involves sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques designed to interpret users' interaction on the platform to generate insights.

Data Utilization

To generate insights, the AI systems process various types of user data, including but not limited to:

i. Account, survey and profile information.

ii. Interaction with our services (tele-support transcripts, group chats).

iii. Device and connection information (for example, hardware model, operating system version, and IP address).

We ensure that the data fed into AI systems is processed in a manner that respects user privacy. Personalidentifiers are removed or anonymized to prevent direct association with any individual user.

Data Protection and Privacy

The protection of your data and privacy is paramount. We implement stringent security measures andprotocols to safeguard the information processed by AI systems. These include:

i. Data encryption during transmission and storage.

ii. Access controls and audit trails to monitor data usage.

iii. Regular review and updates of our AI technologies to enhance data protection.

iv. Consent and Control

Your use of our services constitutes consent to the processing of your data by AI as described in this section.

For more information on how we use and protect your data, or if you have any questions regarding AI-driven insights, please contact our Privacy Team at

Purposes for Which Information Is Disclosed to Third Parties

Information about you may be disclosed to third parties for one or more of the following purposes:

1. For business purposes: Only as necessary for facilitating the Facilitator Services, we may share a user's information with a Facilitator and a Facilitator's information with a user. We may also share your information with vendors and service providers, including our data hosting and data storage partners, analytics and vendors providing technology services and support, payment processing, and data security. We also may share information with professional advisers, such as auditors, law firms, insurers, payers, hospitals networks, provider clinics, and accounting firms.

2. With your direction or consent: We may share your information with third parties if you request or direct us to do so.

3. With affiliates within our corporate group: We may share your information with any subsidiaries or parent companies within our corporate group.

4. For advertising: information regarding your activity on our platform may be disclosed to our advertising partners to optimize marketing. We do not share with any advertising platform private information like member names, email addresses, phone numbers, sessions data, messages, surveys, or any other type of communication you have with your facilitator.

5. Compliance with law: We may share your information with a court, a regulatory entity, law enforcement personnel, or pursuant to a subpoena, to comply with applicable law or any obligations thereunder.

6. In the context of a transaction: We may share your information in connection with an asset sale, merger, bankruptcy, or other business transaction.

7. For other business reasons: We may share your information to enforce any applicable Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use, and to ensure the safety and security of the Platform and our users.

Note that if you make any information publicly available on the Platform, anyone may see and use such information.

Opting-out of Marketing Communication

You can opt out of receiving email marketing by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe link provided in all of our marketing email communications.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Like many websites, we use "cookies" and "web beacons" (also known as pixels) to collect information. A "cookie" is a small data file that is transferred to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. We collect cookies that are necessary for the Platform to function, cookies that enhance the Platform's performance, and cookies used for third-party tracking. A "web beacon" is a tiny and sometimes invisible image or embedded code, placed on a Web page or email that can report your visit or use to a third party. Web beacons are typically used by third parties to monitor the activity of users at a website for the purpose of web analytics, advertising optimization, or page tagging. Additional information regarding web beacons is available on Wikipedia.

You can change your browser's settings so it will stop accepting cookies and web beacons or to prompt you before accepting a cookie or web beacon.

Use of Cookies, Web Beacons, and Similar Technology for Analytics

We may use third party cookies or web beacons for the purposes of web analytics, attribution, and error management. Our Platform may use vendor services that use cookies, web beacons, and similar technology to collect and store anonymous information about you, including when you pay for services, load a page, indicate that you heard about us on television, sign up for services, enter your payment information (but the payment details are not disclosed), start the intake questionnaire, and your response as to the referral source to the Platform.Our Platform also uses analytics vendors to collect information (for example, Visitor Data and Onboarding Data) about user actions on our websites for purposes of analytics and analysis of certain Platform usage.

Use of Cookies, Web Beacons, and Similar Technology for Advertising Networks

You and others may see certain ads for our services or for the Platform on other websites because we participate in ad networks. Ad networks allow us to target our messaging to users through demographic, interest-based, and contextual means. These networks track individuals' online activities over time by collecting information through automated means, including through the use of cookies, web server logs, and web beacons. The networks use this information to show advertisements that may be tailored to an individual's interests. The information our ad networks may collect includes information about your visits to websites that participate in the relevant ad networks, such as the pages or advertisements you view and the actions you take on the websites. This data collection takes place both on our websites and on third-party websites that participate in the ad networks. This process also helps us track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts and assists other websites and advertising partners to find you or people like you on different platforms, including social media websites.

Social and General Information Tools

We use several publicly-available tools and information exchange resources, such as (but not limited to) a blog, a Facebook page, an X account, and others (collectively "Social and General Information Tools"). Any information you provide or share while using Social and General Information Tools may be read, accessed, collected by that site and users of that site according to their Privacy Policy.


Online identity theft and account hacking, including the practice currently known as "phishing", are of great concern. You should always be diligent when you are being asked for your account information and you must always make sure you do that in our secure system. We will never request your login information or your credit card information in any non-secure or unsolicited communication (email, phone or otherwise).


The Platform may contain links to other websites, services, or offers that are owned, operated, or maintained by third parties. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third website or service. The fact that we link to a website or service is not an endorsement, authorization, or representation of our affiliation with that third party, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy or information security policies or practices. We do not have control over third-party websites and services, and we do not have control over their privacy policies and terms of use.

Security of Information

While using any Internet-based service carries inherent security risks that cannot be 100% prevented, our systems, infrastructure, encryption technology, operation and processes are all designed, built, and maintained with your security and privacy in mind. We apply industry standards and best practices to prevent any unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. We comply with all applicable federal laws, state laws, and regulations regarding data privacy.

Service Providers

We may employ third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our Platform, to perform certain tasks which are related to the Platform, or to provide audit, legal, operational, or other services for us. These tasks include, but are not limited to, customer service, technical maintenance, monitoring, email management and communication, database management, billing and payment processing, reporting and analytics. We will share with them only the minimum necessary information to perform their task for us and only after entering into appropriate confidentiality agreements.

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit any information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to become our user. The Platform is not directed and not intended to be used by children under the age of 13. If you are aware that we have collected Personal Information from a child under age 13 please let us know by contacting us and we will delete that information.

Data storage and retention

Your personal data is stored by Soulside on its servers, and on the servers of the cloud-based database management services Soulside engages, located in the United States. The Soulside retains service data for the duration of the customer's business relationship with the Soulside and for a period of time thereafter, to analyze the data Soulside's own operations, and for historical and archiving purposes associated with Soulside's services. Soulside retains prospect data until such time as it no longer has business value and is purged from Soulside systems. All personal data that Soulside controls may be deleted upon verified request from Data Subjects or their authorized agents. For more information on where and how long your personal data is stored, and for more information on your rights of erasure and portability, please contact us at:

Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement

We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials to enforce and comply with the law. We may disclose information necessary or appropriate to protect the safety of the public or any person, to respond to claims and legal processes (including but not limited to subpoenas), and to prevent or stop activity that may be illegal or dangerous. You should also be aware that Facilitators may be obliged to disclose information to law enforcement or other authorities to conform to their professional and legal responsibilities. Specifically, and without limitation, you should be aware that the law requires mental health professionals to disclose information and/or take action in the following cases: (a) reported or suspected abuse of a child or vulnerable adult; (b) serious suicidal potential; (c) threatened harm to another person; (d) court-ordered presentation of treatment.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy statement at our sole discretion. The date of the last revision of this policy appears at the end of this page. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our Privacy Policy and practices. Regardless of changes to our Privacy Policy, we will never use the information you submit under our current privacy notice in a new way without first notifying you and giving you the option to stop using the Platform.

Contacting us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy-related practices, please contact us by emailing us at